NOTE: This is the first installment in a special 5-part series on Understanding the Target Market for Your Product or Business. This series was inspired by a talk that Bob gave at the Podfest Multimedia...
Dear Strategy: “Is 5 years a relevant time frame for your strategy when market trends and industries are uncertain in a volatile market?” Here we have another question that is a derivative of something we’ve...
Dear Strategy: “You could have the best strategy, but what are some best practices to implement it effectively?” Last week, in Episode 78, I answered a question that had to do with implementing strategies internal...
Dear Strategy: “How do you build programs, projects, and, ultimately, products out of a strategy once it’s been established and accepted? How does it look from a complete, holistic lifecycle? This is one of those...
Dear Strategy: “How do you figure out a portfolio investment strategy for a product that is a delighter but doesn’t bring in money on its own?” Back in Episode 2 and again in Episode 38,...
Dear Strategy: “How do you communicate new features to users in a fast, Agile release cadence?” Here we have a question that could be interpreted as being somewhat more tactical than strategic. However, I am...
Dear Strategy: “How do you communicate strategy to the rest of the organization with a small and newly formed team on a previously languishing product?” There are a few key sentiments in this question that...
Dear Strategy: “How do I best operationalize the ‘Jobs To Be Done’ framework in my everyday strategy work?” At least once a month, I get a question (sometimes officially and sometimes casually) about some framework...
Dear Strategy: “How do I evaluate a Product Manager to Product Marketing Manager career transition?” As with the other career questions we’ve answered in this series, definitions are important. And there is perhaps no greater...
Dear Strategy: “How do I evaluate a job opportunity that moves me from SaaS products to on-premises products but is one of the CEO’s initiatives?” The first thing we need to do before answering the...